MB BChir (Cantab), PhD, BSc (Hons), FRANZCR
Dr Liat Barrett

About Dr Liat Barrett
Dr Liat Barrett graduated with a dual medical degree and PhD from Cambridge University. Prior to her specialty training, Dr Barrett undertook research Fellowships in bioinformatics at the Weizmann Institute in Israel and at the Institute of Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland. She completed her radiology training in Queensland at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in 2016, and since then has held roles at I-TeleRAD, I-MED Radiology and in the public sector at Ipswich General Hospital, employed by Queensland Health.
Dr Barrett recently completed her NIOSH B Reader certification and looks forward to using her skill and interest in thoracic radiology to help patients at risk of occupational lung disease. She is also a member of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Neuroradiology. Dr Barrett takes an active role in education of trainees and plans to become a college examiner.
Radiological Skills & Interests
- NIOSH B Reader certification
- Thoracic radiology
- Neuroradiology